◉ 2019 亚洲插画艺术节 邀请艺术家保罗先生 (台湾)Asia Illustration Fair Invited Artist: Mr. Paul (Taiwan)




Mr. Paul is a popular illustrator on the internet, not as comic strip form, without background, most of time he uses a succinct artwork to express the topic. He tends to use bright color and draws the character with ruddy cheeks. In order to get people into his works and have sympathetic response, he adds auxiliary text in Chinese, English and Japanese which can make foreigner understand the meaning.

图片出处: 保罗先生Facebook
图片出处: 保罗先生Facebook


About four or five years ago, he began to graffiti self-study drawing, and later joined some of his own inspiration, and began to publicly share works on the social channel. Mr. Paul likes a variety of humorous or novelty things, likes to observe the crowd, and most of his creative inspiration comes from daily life, chatting with friends, surfing the internet, during dining or before sleeping. The standard of choosing topic is that he considers it is interesting which included the heartfelt from office worker, internet popular issues and the things he likes to eat. Grotesque ideas sometimes occur to him and he would draw it dawn in free time. There is no limit. For example, his work “Yayoi Kusama” was inspired from his own experience. Once he went to cupping and associated the blood stasis with Yayoi Kusama.

图片出处: 保罗先生Facebook
图片出处: 保罗先生Facebook

“可能就是接近生活吧,图文的主题都是大家生活中会接触到的议题,也比较容易产生共鸣。 ”保罗先生说,“听到他们会说’很中肯”啊~对耶’,就是对我创作的认同。”也有人认为他的画风偏日系,保罗先生承认,自己是看日本动漫长大的,他最喜欢的是插画家是日本的Keigo,也是一名Instagram 网红插画师,同样以充满想像力的画风受到粉丝关注,原著中的各种小幽默令他崇拜,即使没有文字辅助,也总是让人嘴角失守。

“It may be close to life. The theme of the graphic is the topic that people will contact with in life, and it is more likely to resonate.” Mr. Paul said. “When I heard them said ‘That is cogent’ ‘Ah, that is true’, these are approval to my works.” Someone said that his painting style tends to Japanese, and it was because he grew up with anime. Mr. Paul’s favorite illustrator is Keigo who is a Japanese creative illustrator on the internet. The various little humors made him admire, and even without the help of words, it always caused people to smile.

图片出处: 保罗先生Facebook
图片出处: 保罗先生Facebook

保罗先生很擅长拆解文字本身的意义,然后将它延展为插画,在这种逻辑下,他的插画带有一种让人楞两秒然后笑出来的气氛,「虽然不具有教育意义(笑) ,但我还是会把它们都画出来与大家分享。我也喜欢观察大家对于每篇作品的留言与互动,觉得很有趣。」他说:「从来没有一炮而红之类的想法,就纯粹想要透过图文与大家分享自己对各种事物的想法。老实说,现在对于人气也没什么实感,只是觉得留言和点阅的人变多了,比以前热闹。」

Mr. Paul is very good at disassembling the meaning of the text itself, and then extending it to an illustration. Under this logic, his illustration has an atmosphere that makes people catch off guard and then laughs out. “Although not educational but I will still draw them all to share with you. I also like to observe the comments and interactions of each piece, which is very interesting.” He said: “I have never thought of famous overnight, it is pure of me to share my thoughts on various things through pictures and texts. To be honest, I don’t have any real feelings about popularity now. I just think that there are more people who leave messages and clicks, which is more lively than before.”

图片出处: 保罗先生Facebook
图片出处: 保罗先生Facebook

从 2014 年 2 月在 Instagram 上传第一张图片开始,目前他已拥有超过34 万粉丝,也慢慢被媒体们关注。他极为注重隐私,很少公开露脸,他希望私下生活仍然可以自由自在。社群媒体為他提供了便捷的发布平台,保罗先生发现在插画中搭配文字既可以加深主题,也可以更加浅显易懂的传达自己的想法,他不一定每天更新,但他会在每篇发布下标注各类标签,引人发笑和共鸣,而那些被逗得开心不已的纷丝们也纷纷在回覆里标记朋友,让他们来看,这进一步替保罗先生传播了插画作品,有别于以前插画师替书籍或刊物创作,而逐渐为人所知的过程。

Starting with the first photo uploaded on Instagram in February 2014, he currently has more than 340,000 followers and attracted attention from the media. He is extremely concerned about privacy and rarely publicly shows his face. He hopes that life in private can still be free. The social media provided him with a convenient publishing platform. Mr. Paul found that collocation with text in the illustration can both deepen the theme and convey his ideas in a more easy-to-understand way. He does not update every day, but he is used to hashtag in every articles. They makes people laugh, and those fans who are amused by the painting have also marked their friends in the reply, let them see, which further spreads the illustration works for Mr. Paul. Different from the previous process that illustrators create for books or publications and gradually known by people.

图片出处: 保罗先生Facebook
图片出处: 保罗先生Facebook


Mr. Paul claims to be not good at drawing limbs. His painting steps are: first determine the theme of the painting, and then find some physical images through the Internet for reference. When painting, he will first hand-paint it on paper, scan it and then use computer to color it. The whole process takes about two or three hours. He likes to work in a lively creative environment with radio and music.


保罗先生平常也喜欢拍照,主题多半为自己每天的穿着和美食,喜欢透过照片来记录生活。画图、文字跟拍照这三种创作方式都是透过视觉来展现创意,画图和拍照是很直接且具象的,而文字就会因人而异,会有比较多的主观想像空间。 2017 到2018年之间,保罗先生成为专职插画师,并且陆续上架了印有自己插画的T恤之类的周边商品。此前他在一家公司做企划工作。成名之后,插画的合作和访谈也多了起来。未来保罗先生会持续以这样的风格创作,默默地观察人事物,有想法的时候就画,没什想分享的时候就会停稿继续追剧。

Taking pictures is one of Mr.Paul’s interest too. The theme is mostly for his daily wear and food. He likes to record life through photos and painting. Drawing, text and photographing are all visually revealing creativity. Drawing and photographing are very direct and figurative, and the text will vary from person to person, and there will be more subjective imagination space.



DATES | 2019.08.30 (Fri) – 09.01 (Sun)
MEDIA & VIP | 2019.08.29 (Thu)
HOURS | 10:00 – 18:00
LOCATION | Powerlong Museum, Shanghai City
ORGANIZER | Powerlong Museum, Artogather Culture and Art (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
CO-ORGANIZER | Freedom Men Art Apartments
CURATOR | Andy Yen

EMAIL | 2019aifaif@gmail.com, 2019aif@artogather.com
PHONE | +886 987-777-838, +86 18501686811 (10:00 – 17:00)

Application Link :http://www.asiaillustrationfair.com/application

◉ 2019 AIF亚洲插画艺术节

公众展期|2019年8月30日(五) – 9月1日(日)
展览时间|10:00 – 18:00





