◉ 2019 亚洲插画艺术节 邀请艺术家曲家瑞(台湾)Asia Illustration Fair Invited Artist: Kristy, Cha-Ray Chu (Taiwan)


第二位介绍的邀请艺术家, 是重量级的麻辣女教师曲家瑞 ,这次「亚洲插画艺术节」曲老师不当评审、不当老师、不当作家,将以艺术家的身份,推出全新创作!!!!

The second invited artist is Cha-Ray Chu, who will attend Asia Illustration Fair as an artist and release new work.

曲家瑞(Kristy, Cha-Ray Chu 1965年5月3日)

She is an assistant professor in Department of Communications Design, Shih Chien University. She has many positions included lecturer, media people, artist, writer and collector curator. Born in Taipei Taiwan, in 2018,she invited by Golden Bell Awards to be the director of visual identity and animation.

Since 1995, using charcoal as an creation medium, she devoted to gigantic size self-portrait. In recent year, she takes collected toys as the theme to create series of works which in Taipei Museum of Contemporary Art, National Museum of History and other exhibition halls.


Because of her education position, many people called Cha-Ray Chu as teacher Chu but at the same time, there are still many people know her by her other titles. Most of people focused on her with envy; however, she told that what she does in these two years is “get rid of the title”.


Without doubt, crossover and slash are two of most remarkable admiration in recent years and Cha-Ray Chu took these as the standard in past fifteen to twenty years. In the past, she considered that people should have many possibilities; therefore, she taught, wrote, drew, curated and collected. She did everything because it is necessarily for a person to crossover.

如果每个人一生都只能选一个头衔,她希望大家都能选择自己的名字,因为只有这个名称值得你花上一辈子成为它,没有其他也没关系。 但这几年的她却认为,不需要再跨了。相较于头衔,现在的她,想做的就是真实的曲家瑞,一个对艺术狂热、投入教育的曲家瑞。

If each person can only choose one title for whole life, she hopes people can choose their own names which are worthy for you to spend lifetime to become. Recently, Cha-Ray Chu does not need to crossover anymore, only she wants to be is a true Cha-Ray Chu, the person who is crazy about art and devotes to education.


Look back to Cha-Ray Chu’s literary creation, different book names just like the journey to find “real self”; in this journey, we can see a woman establishes, faces the memory of life and reminds others the importance of “real self”.

When mention this journey, she replies straightforward: “It is difficult to be ourselves so I have to remind myself frequently. But it is so hard that almost no one can reach.” The “no one” included herself, she said that “daughter, girlfriend, teacher…we are someone’s who and we can never cut off but often make us misgiving.”

拯救自卑的个性,靠的还是自己,是她的天賦和努力。 她在艺术世界里寻找到躲在阴暗角落里的自己,用她自己的话讲,画画是自我探索的过程,让她认同了自己。

To ameliorate the sense of inferiority, she must rely on herself, her talent and effort. By painting, she finds herself in dark and it is also the process of her to realize herself, build the confidence.


1984 美国曼哈顿音乐学院,大学先修班学位主修钢琴

1987 美国耶鲁大学艺术学院Ellen Battel Stockel奖学金

1988 美国 柯柏联盟学院 艺术系学士

1990 美国 哥伦比亚大学艺术研究所硕士

Let us throw back the legendary process of Cha-Ray Chu:

1984 Manhattan College of Music, pre-university degree majoring in piano

1987 Ellen Battel Stockel Scholarship, Yale School of the Arts, USA

1988 Bachelor of Arts, Faber Union College, USA

1990 Master of Arts, Columbia University, USA

高中直接被送到美国,那时候的画拿到全美榜首,素描书刊为了她,破例刊登彩色版面。大学继续攻克艺术,据她自己讲,大学的设计专业是“纽约学设计的人听到都要跪下来”的级别柯柏联盟学院,并且不用钱,在拿到耶鲁大学艺术学院的奖学金以后,曲家瑞又去了哥伦比亚大学艺术研究所念硕士。有名气到在学校附近的纽约街区,一报出 Kristy Chu的大名,大部分人都知道,众星捧月般的地位没错了。从哥伦比亚大学研究所毕业,之后七年时间就在纽约每天画画吃饭睡觉。

She was sent to America in senior high school and her painting won the top of the list in whole America. A sketch publication even breaks a rule for her to place color layout. She continues major in art in Cooper Union, which is famous for design and no tuition required. Got the scholarship in Yale School of Art, Cha-Ray Chu went to Columbia University School of Arts studied master’s degree. She was so famous that you mention “Kristy Chu” around the school block, most people would know her. After graduating, she stayed in New York painting and living for seven years.

30岁从美国回来,她过起了20K工资的生活(20k新台币即4200人民币) 成为大学老师,开始过着一往无前的生活。

Came back from America in thirty years old, she became a lecturer and started the life with 20K (NTD) per month.


Until fifty years old, she does not stop exploring and has the ability to see the value on each person, but her dream has not come true yet.


In 53 years old, Cha-Ray Chu uses the action to prove herself that the person she wants to be is a real Cha-Ray Chu, crazy about art and devotes to creation.


Her works talk about humanity, Sense of belonging and inner childish world. ”No matter the dream come true or not, people who contempt you would go on; however, as long as  paying effort, you will be seen. Besides, there are great view and surprise on the way waiting for you.” People explore themselves in their whole life just like a treasure mountain, if we keep questing and we will discover many aspects of ourselves.


“Ah, I have such potential. I can do this as well.” Continued using bold attacks to inspire creativity, the style was avant-garde and the results were always amazing.


最近曲老师刚参加完台湾印花设计节的展出,马上八月底也将于上海宝龙美术馆“亚洲插画艺术节”展出 ,并于现场与大家见面!!! 紧接之后九月也会在苏州诚品书店三十周年活动举办大型个展。

She just attended Taiwan Pattern Design Festival in Taiwan recently; she will also take part in Asia Illustration Fair in the end of August. And she host personal exhibition in meet eslite thirty years activity.


DATES | 2019.08.30 (Fri) – 09.01 (Sun)
MEDIA & VIP | 2019.08.29 (Thu)
HOURS | 10:00 – 18:00
LOCATION | Powerlong Museum, Shanghai City
ORGANIZER | Powerlong Museum, Artogather Culture and Art (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
CO-ORGANIZER | Freedom Men Art Apartments
CURATOR | Andy Yen

EMAIL | 2019aifaif@gmail.com, 2019aif@artogather.com
PHONE | +886 987-777-838, +86 18501686811 (10:00 – 17:00)

Application Link :http://www.asiaillustrationfair.com/application

◉ 2019 AIF亚洲插画艺术节

公众展期|2019年8月30日(五) – 9月1日(日)
展览时间|10:00 – 18:00





