NEWS 新闻 一天一插画家 One illustrator a day
6 月 10th, 2019

◉ 2019 Asia Illustration Fair : Open Call Countdown 21 days! Everyday Illustrator: Daniel Egnéus 2019 亚洲插画艺术节 征件倒数21天!一天一插画家介绍:Daniel Egnéus

Born in 1972 in Sweden, Daniel Egnéus is an illustrator without formal art education, and he is now based in Milano. He is the inventor of the style “Quotidiano-Straordinario.” He has published many books including “Little Red Riding Hood” ( Harper Collins) and “Hot Dog cookbook” (winner of the Prix Gourmand for Best Illustrated Cookbook in France), and he was voted the best illustrator by the Association of Illustrators in the UK (2005).
Daniel Egnéus,1972年于瑞典出生,是个没有接受过正式美术教育的插画家,现居米兰。他是“Quotidiano-Straordinario”风格的发明者,出版了许多书籍,包括小红帽和热狗食谱(法国最佳插画食谱Prix Gourmand的获奖者),曾被英国插画家协会评选为最佳插画家(2005年)。

6 月 9th, 2019

◉ 2019 Asia Illustration Fair : Open Call Countdown 22 days! Everyday Illustrator: Steven Heller 2019 亚洲插画艺术节 征件倒数22天!一天一插画家介绍:Steven Heller

Steven Heller (born July 7, 1950)is an
American art director, journalist, critic, author, illustrator, and editor who
specializes on topics related to graphic design.

Heller is author and co-author of many works on the history of illustration, typography, and many subjects related to graphic design. He has published more than eighty titles and written articles for magazines including Affiche, Baseline, Creation, Design, Design Issues, Design Observer, Eye, Graphis, How, I.D., Oxymoron, Mother Jones, The New York Times Book Review, Print, Speak, and U&lc magazine.

Steven Heller(生于1950年7月7日)是美国艺术总监,记者,评论家,作家,插画家和编辑,专门研究与平面设计相关的主题。
Heller是许多插画历史及平面设计类书籍的作者。他出版了超过80多种杂志及文章,包括Affiche,Baseline,Creation,Design,Design Issues,Design Observer,Eye,Graphis,How,ID,Oxymoron,Mother Jones,The New York Times Book Review,Print,Speak和U&lc杂志。

NEWS 新闻 一天一插画家 One illustrator a day
6 月 8th, 2019

◉ 2019 Asia Illustration Fair : Open Call Countdown 23 days! Everyday Illustrator: Jean-Philippe Delhomme 2019 亚洲插画艺术节 征件倒数23天!一天一插画家介绍:Jean-Philippe Delhomme

Born in 1959, Jean-Philippe Delhomme is a French illustrator, painter and writer. He is a deft observer and loving critic of our contemporary culture. Since the late 80s, the fashion illustrations of Jean-Philippe Delhomme have frequented the pages of Interview, The New Yorker, Vogue Paris, W Magazine and many other prestigious publications.
Jean-Philippe Delhomme是出生于1959年的法国插画家、画家兼作家,他是一位灵巧的观察者和热爱当代文化的评论家。自80年代末以来,Jean-Philippe Delhomme的时装插图经常在Interview、The New Yorker、Vogue Paris、W Magazine和许多著名出版物上出现。

NEWS 新闻 一天一插画家 One illustrator a day
6 月 7th, 2019

◉ 2019 Asia Illustration Fair : Open Call Countdown 24 days! Everyday Illustrator: Seymour Chwast 2019 亚洲插画艺术节 征件倒数24天!一天一插画家介绍:Seymour Chwast

Born in 1931, Seymour Chwast is one of the representative figures of American conceptual image design, a member of AGI and AIGA. He has won wide acclaim and love from American society with his unique design style, and lasting influence on American visual culture.
Seymour Chwast出生于西元1931年,是美国观念形象设计的代表人物之一,也是国际平面设计师联盟AGI、AIGA的一员。他以独特的设计风格赢得了美国社会的广泛赞誉和喜爱,且对美国的视觉文化产生了深远的影响。