◉ 2019 亚洲插画艺术节征件 开始 至6/30止 (上海宝龙美术馆)


◉ 展期 DATES
2019.08.30 (五/Fri.) – 09. 01 (日/Sun.) 10:00 – 18:00
2019. 08. 29 预展Preview

上海宝龙美术馆4、5号厅 Powerlong Museum No.4, No.5 Exhibition Room, Shanghai City (上海市闵行区漕宝路3055号)

◉ 报名资格 Registration qualification
Illustration creator, Nationality, creative categories, styles are not limited.

◉ 报名方式 Registration method
线上申请 | 即日起至 2019.06.30(日)24:00 截止。
Online Apply, Deadline from today until 24:00 Jun. 30th,2019

1. 策展主题展区:「森林, 宇宙, 兔子洞」
Curatorial subject area: ” Forest, Universe and Rabbit Hole “
2. 其他不分区 Not participate in the subject area

下载 报名表格PPT 链接1链接2,报名表格PDF 链接1链接2,将报名资料以 PPT 和 PDF 两种格式E-mail至 2019aifaif@gmail.com, 2019aif@artogather.com(为避免邮件寄送失败请两个地址同时寄出)。 邮件标题请以 “ 申请者姓名 ” 命名。收到报名档案后,相关工作人员将回信确认资料,敬请留意收信。
Download the registration form PPT LINK1 or LINK2, PDF LINK1 or LINK2 and email the application PPT & PDF to 2019aifaif@gmail.com, 2019aif@artogather.com (After receiving the application, we will reply to confirm that the information is correct. Please pay attention to the email)

◉ 作品展出类型以及费用(四天展期)Exhibition type and fee (4 days)

A 类型 | Type A
作品尺寸不大于 50cm x 50cm,第一件作品参展费用 RMB 800,第二件及之后每件作品RMB 100。Size : not bigger than 50cm x 50cm, First work fee : RMB 800, after the first work each one fee : RMB 100

B 类型 | Type B
作品尺寸不大于 100cm x 100cm,第一件作品参展费用 RMB 1,200,第二件及之后每件作品RMB 200。Size : not bigger than 100cm x 100cm, First work fee : RMB 1,200, after the first work each one fee : RMB 200

C 类型 | Type C
作品尺寸不大于 150cm x 150cm,第一件作品参展费用 RMB 1,500,第二件及之后每件作品RMB 300。Size : not bigger than 150cm x 150cm, First work fee : RMB 1,500, after the first work each one fee : RMB 300

D 类型 | Type D
作品尺寸不大于 200cm x 200cm,第一件作品参展费用 RMB 1,800,第二件及之后每件作品RMB 400。Size : not bigger than 200cm x 200cm, First work fee : RMB 1,800, after the first work each one fee : RMB 400

(以上费用仅为作品参展费,不包含其他如作品往返运费等 。 The above fees are only for the works exhibition, not including other fees such as round-trip shipping cost for works, etc.)

E 市集 | Type E Market Vendor
摊位尺寸 100cm x 60cm,RMB 2,000,包含一组桌椅,市集摊位区需要参加以上A, B, C, D至少一件作品展出才能参与报名。Market Vendor (with a Table and a chair) Size : 100cm x 60cm, fee : RMB 2,000. To participate in the market stall area needs at least one work of the above A, B, C, D type participating in the registration.

◉ 公布入选名单 Lists announcement
总入选名单公布时间 | 2019.07.05(五)
名单将公布于官方网站、微博、微信公众号以及脸书。主办单位于征件期间陆续个别寄出“入选通知”,请入选者务必以 E-mail 回覆确认、并于指定期限内缴交参展费用,确认参展资格。

The list of candidates will be announced on July 5th, 2019.
The list will be posted on the official website of Asia Illustration Fair, FACEBOOK Fan Page. The organizer will send a “selection notice” to the individual. Please be sure to confirm the confirmation by E-mail and pay the registration fee within the specified time limit in order to retain the quota.

◉ 参展作品收件与运送 Works receiving & transportation
After the application is confirmed, the art work must be shiped to the Shanghai office or the other offices in Asia (Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Korea) within the specified time. The organizer will be responsible for the install the exhibition. The works will be returned after the exhibition. The delivery costs will be paid by the exhibitors.

上海收件处 Shanghai Office
收件时间 | 2019.08.10 前须将作品寄达。
The works must be sent to arrive in Shanghai before Aug. 10th, 2019

The other offices in Asia (Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, South Korea)
收件时间 | 2019.07.31 须将作品寄送达,寄送至各地区收件区的参展者需根据参展作品大小承担寄送至上海之往返费用。
Exhibitors must ship their works to other Asian offices before July 31th, 2019 and are responsible for the round-trip cost of shipping to Shanghai office.